Medical Dermatology
We diagnose and manage a wide variety of medical dermatological problems, including skin checks.MEDICAL DERMATOLOGY
Our dermatologists are fully trained in diagnosing, treating and preventing medical dermatological conditions. Some of these include acne, alopecia (hair loss), dermatitis, full skin checks, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) psoriasis and vitiligo.
Surgical dermatology
We provide evidence based and tailored surgical treatments for our patients. Dr Wallace has a keen interest in dermatological surgery for skin cancers.Surgical dermatology
Our dermatologists are fully trained in dermatological surgery. Our practice has a state of the art outpatient operating theatre for dermatological procedures. We can perform skin cancer excisions and repair these defects with side to side closure and if needed, flaps or grafts.
Paediatric dermatology
Dr Venugopal is a paediatric and adult dermatologist. We can assist with the diagnosis and management of paediatric skin problems.Paediatric dermatology
Dr Venugopal has subspecialised in paediatric dermatology and is affiliated with the Children’s Hospital Westmead. Our dermatologists are fully trained in diagnosing and treating paediatric dermatological conditions. Some of these include atopic eczema, allergies, fungal infections, warts, viral rashes, birthmarks and infantile haemangiomas
Medical Photography
We provide Total Body Photography and Mole Mapping services.Medical Photography
Total Body Photography and Mole Mapping provides a comprehensive photographic record of your skin that assists with tracking and monitoring your moles. It aids in the early detection of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers.