Our dermatologists are fully trained in cosmetic dermatology procedures including anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers. We use state of the art equipment and highly trained staff at Dermatology North Sydney to provide this service. 


Anti-wrinkle injections block the chemical signals that the brain transmits to the muscles, forcing the muscles to contract. Effectively, this treatment helps to relax the muscles, soften the appearance of fine lines and give you an overall rejuvenated visage. Anti-wrinkle injections help:

  • Soften fine lines and wrinkles
  • Correct Facial Asymmetry
  • Revitalise your Appearance
  • Prevent future deep line formation


Dermal fillers work by increasing the skin’s hyaluronic acid levels and promoting volumisation in the treatment area. We lose the ability to produce elastin and collagen as we grow, resulting in reduced volume within certain areas of our face that can often make us look tired or sunken. The benefits of having dermal filler include:

  • Immediate results & is long lasting
  • Adds volume and fullness
  • Correct Facial Asymmetry
  • Non-surgical technique